AWS Certified Solutions Architect Assoc— Notes for the ExamHere are the notes I kept and used to pass the AWS CSA — Associate exam. May it assist you as well.Mar 31, 20233Mar 31, 20233
My Kubernetes CKA Exam Experience & Concepts ExplainedI took the CKA exam with The Linux Foundation last week. I had been preparing for this exam for about 3 months total. I think I could have…Oct 3, 20224Oct 3, 20224
Creating the ultimate media server with Docker, Portainer, Plex, and Ubuntu ServerI’ve been meaning to set up an Ubuntu server to run some docker containers as a personal project for some time. I stumbled onto some self…Dec 23, 20211Dec 23, 20211
Published inGeek CultureServerless Applications with AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB deployed with TerraformIn this scenario we’re going to create a serverless application. We will be using cloud services like AWS API Gateway, Lambda and DynamoDB…Aug 6, 20212Aug 6, 20212
Published inGeek CultureCreate a web server and an Amazon RDS Database instanceIn the tutorial that follows, you specify the VPC, subnets, and security groups when you create the DB instance. You also specify them when…Aug 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021
Published inAWS in Plain EnglishUsing AWS Lambda with Python to auto-write to a DynamoDB table from S3In this scenario we are going to be creating an AWS Lambda in Python to automatically process any JSON files uploaded to an S3 bucket into…Apr 7, 2021Apr 7, 2021
Published inAWS TipAutomate File Handling in AWS S3 using PythonIn this scenario, we have a directory that is very cluttered and we need to organize and back it up simultaneously. We can do this by…Apr 4, 2021Apr 4, 2021
Published inAWS in Plain EnglishHost a Static Website from a Docker Container with NGINXHow to host a static website with DockerApr 2, 2021Apr 2, 2021
Published inAWS TipInstall Python 3 and Configure a Programming Environment on an AWS EC2 Instance Running Ubuntu 20.04We’re going to spin up an Ubuntu Server 20.04 instance, install updates, and all of our packages needed for Python3. Lastly, we’re going…Mar 31, 2021Mar 31, 2021